I’ll admit it, I sobbed 😭 terribly on the day I moved.
I was crying so hard my, then, 16 month old, 👶 Andrew put his arms around me, patted my head and said, “It OK MaMa.” So sweet 💚💚💚.
It’s OK if you cry, really don’t care or just feel inconvenienced. We all go through the emotions of the moving 📦📦📦 process in different ways.
So, give yourself some room to go through them.
I promise, these emotions will pass and life will get back to a new normal for you.
If you have been on the fence about selling your home and looking for another, call me and we’ll discuss whether or not this is a good time for you to do it.
Amy Cuny, Broker @ ARK Real Estate
#changewilldoyougood #changeisinevitable #movingday #movingdayblues #ihatemoving #realestate #homeselling #homebuying